Tuesday, 30 September 2008
To The Anonymous Bloggers!!
We here at pitsnpots are learning all the time! I got a call today from one of my sources on the "inside" telling me that we did not have the facility on our Blog to allow people to post ANONYMOUSLY! DOH! So we have put this right and now you can blogaway merrily safe in the knowledge that if you don't want people to know who you really are then you can use the anonymous feature when leaving your comments and posts! We have also removed the need to insert one of them word thingy's so it's now quick and painless to do the bizz!
I had emailed all sixty councilors to tell them about our blog and how it's for the people of the city to let them know our thoughts on the issues facing us all. No councilors have posted yet but with the gagging order imposed by Labour at least their councilors have an anonymous option! I'm a wee bit surprised the Likes Of Peter Kent-Bagley or the Democracy4Stoke guy's have not been on yet as these guys have normally got shed loads of things to say......
Peter Kent-Bagley
Liam is Spot On, Bob Bagley is Wrong!
There is an interesting story in the Sentinel today quoting comments by Liam Byrne (pictured) Labour's West Midlands Minister who is also the party's Minister Of State For Borders And Immigration. He really went of the offensive about the rise in popularity of the far right BNP in Stoke on Trent. For the record i agree with his opinion. Read what he has to say here:
I have been attacked consistently by Bob Bagley on the Sentinel website for saying that i think that some (not all!) of the local BNP councilors have been effective in dealing with issues in their local wards! I make no apologies for this because it's true! Bob thinks that we should not say things like this. Let me be clear it do not agree with a single policy of the BNP and i would never vote for them i have done enough research into the BNP to know they do not represent the way i live my life. My rule of life No1 is that i am willing to live in harmony with anyone of any race or creed as long as they want to live in harmony with me and mean me no harm. I happen to think that the people in this city are not stupid, i think that they can see that certain BNP councilors are effective but i also think that the vast majority of those people would not vote BNP. Why can't Bob have the good grace and humility to accept this? even more to the point why does Bob not vent his frustration toward the ineffective, egotistical Labour councilors who have become complacent in their outlook and service to our city. We have a Labour Elected Mayor who is not popular and insists in carrying out policies that the vast majority of this cities electorate do not want! such as in the schools re organisation, how people have not been consulted properly and been forced in some instances to have something that whole communities do not want,ie Trentham. What about the policy on elderly care, where we are seeing the closure of many city home care provisions! Labour councilors tell me in private that they don't agree with the mayor on these issues but are not allowed to come out and voice THEIR opinions, they have to to tow the party line. The are effectively GAGGED! Bob and his pal Joy Garner won't open up to the fact that it could be this that is turning people to the likes of the BNP. Gary Elsby summed it up perfectly the other day in a post on the Sentinel when he said "i am not allowed to comment on that comment" I rest my case!
The Mother of All Stories!
Well, just what is going on in the world today? And where are Social Services when you need them? As a parent, I was shocked to see this mother whinging in the Sentinel about the fine she’d received for littering when she dropped her cigarette. See the full article in the Sentinel by clicking here http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Pregnant-mum-fined-dropping-fag-end/article-361957-detail/article.html
Not only was this woman heavily pregnant (and smoking!), she also expected her 3 year old to pick up a smouldering cigarette for her! She then has the audacity to say she had just “put her cigarette and shopping down for a minute”. Well, I’ve heard better excuses!
Her attitude, and come to that, her mother’s attitude, is an indication of everything that is bad in society today. This lady doesn’t deserve the children she has, as she’s already endangered them by smoking whilst pregnant. Then to add insult to injury she promotes smoking to her 3 year old as if it’s all perfectly normal and also has the front to put her story on the front page of the Sentinel!
Judging by the comments on the Sentinel website already, this is a story that has incensed many like minded, responsible parents. She should have just paid the fine and got on with it. Instead, she displays her bad habits, bad parenting and bad social skills for the whole of the city to see.
Well done to the Council employee who delivered the fine to this lady. The city is in need of a good clean up and it’s people dropping litter like her that don’t help the City’s cause. Who wants to live in a pigsty?
What do you think? Should this woman be fined for dropping her cigarette? And what do you think of her exemplary parenting skills? I look forward to hearing what you think!
Well, just what is going on in the world today? And where are Social Services when you need them? As a parent, I was shocked to see this mother whinging in the Sentinel about the fine she’d received for littering when she dropped her cigarette. See the full article in the Sentinel by clicking here http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Pregnant-mum-fined-dropping-fag-end/article-361957-detail/article.html
Not only was this woman heavily pregnant (and smoking!), she also expected her 3 year old to pick up a smouldering cigarette for her! She then has the audacity to say she had just “put her cigarette and shopping down for a minute”. Well, I’ve heard better excuses!
Her attitude, and come to that, her mother’s attitude, is an indication of everything that is bad in society today. This lady doesn’t deserve the children she has, as she’s already endangered them by smoking whilst pregnant. Then to add insult to injury she promotes smoking to her 3 year old as if it’s all perfectly normal and also has the front to put her story on the front page of the Sentinel!
Judging by the comments on the Sentinel website already, this is a story that has incensed many like minded, responsible parents. She should have just paid the fine and got on with it. Instead, she displays her bad habits, bad parenting and bad social skills for the whole of the city to see.
Well done to the Council employee who delivered the fine to this lady. The city is in need of a good clean up and it’s people dropping litter like her that don’t help the City’s cause. Who wants to live in a pigsty?
What do you think? Should this woman be fined for dropping her cigarette? And what do you think of her exemplary parenting skills? I look forward to hearing what you think!
Monday, 29 September 2008
What's gone wrong?
Just what has gone wrong with the Justice system in this country?
Having read Craig Johnson's story in the Sentinel, it really angers me that rapists and people who take another's life can get less than Johnson's sentence, It can't be right can it?
Sure this scam cost the taxman millions but how can this be deemed more serious than some of the manslaughter cases we have read about recently notably the guy who strangled his wife and then dumped her body in a lay by (7.5 years) and of course the infamous Khan case (8 years). Let's face facts here Johnson broke the law, no doubt about that but these other two took human life! I wonder if a comparison could be made between this scam and the indiscriminate lending by British bank in the US sub prime market which has no led to the nationalisation of Northern Rock and today of the Bradford & Bingley! Somebody has to be accountable for the decision to invest in this bogus market which has led this country into recession. Isn't the former head of Northern Rock "laughing all the way to the bank" whilst he sits in his country mansion counting the interest on his "golden handshake". Well let's hope he had it invested in Bradford & Bingley shares!
The justice system in this country needs a complete overall and needs to reflect the importance of life over fiddling the public purse.
Read the full Johnson story by following this link then come back and leave your thoughts and comments and don't forget no post on this site is removed.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Web Response of the Week Award!
We here at pitsnpots love to recognise examples of high quality web posting. The first recipient of the "Web Response of the Week Award" goes to Trentham Action Groups very own Nicky Davis!
In response to a letter sent by Tory Shaun Bennett to the Sentinel this week taking issue with Councillor Zulfiqar Ali's letter supporting the Elected Mayor system Nicky left this response:
"I agree with you Shaun in favouring the leader model.A leader is less able to become dictatorial. Also can be more easily removed. I'm sorry but in SOT we clearly have to be able to do this. If they start to wreak havoc we don't want them carrying that on for 4 years.I completely agree with you when you say "he goes on to argue that under a Leader and Cabinet model there would be constant backroom dealing between the various groups to negotiate positions of power in a coalition. But just what on earth does he think goes on now under the existing mayor and advisory cabinet system?"I commented as such on the web when Councillor Zulfiqar Ali's letter was published.You go on to say;"Do we not have a coalition of the three main parties at present? Was this coalition not negotiated behind closed doors without any input not only from the electorate but from their own party members?" Very well said, bold of you.It would be good if you go that bit further though, you have not mentioned that one of the worst possible outcomes for mayor (also for leader) would be Roger Ibbs! But of course you couldn't possibly say that could you?Ibbs is currently off on his own tack, pursuing some sort of land deal so he can build, on a green wedge, an academy school that Trentham doesn't want and Blurton doesn't want. Is this some crazed tory policy disaster or just something from planet Ibbs? Are you not concerned that if Ibbs has his way, children from your community in Blurton will have to travel to Trentham to go to school, in the absence of a safe walking route? What Blurton needs is a new school, in Blurton, as promised years ago. If families there are keen for it to be an academy then fine, but they should be given the choice. What Trentham needs is to keep the fantastic school it has. Trentham families want a federation, not an academy, so they should be allowed that.I've just seen Balls on BBC parliament spouting a lot of, well, as the name suggests, labour lies, on how much they want parents to be involved in their children's schools. Well that's not being allowed for us is it. So what does mayor Meredith think he's doing in the labour name? Labour promote academies, but they are also suposed to support federations and other arrangements, so let us have what we choose for our community.But then I've also got these tory lies, sent to me in an email, 22nd September, from the Consevative Party Chairman's office, CCHQ:"David Cameron has stated that we have to look at expanding the provision of education. But that any reforms have to be done with the support of the community and the parents which they serve."That's very far removed from what Ibbs is doing in the tory name! Don't let your mighty leader tell you he is doing the best thing for Trentham and Blurton, he's barely speaking to any of us, he doesn't speak to me at all.Labour and tory alike are doing nothing for communities, just dictating to us! Neither of them are any good. Neither of them are communicating with us. And I know why, neither of them have any intelligent arguments to make. I recently emailed all 60 councillors about the schools issue. None of the 11 responses I received came from the conservatives, or labour, or libdems. All 11 were supportive.Disclaimer: Save Trentham High is a non-political organisation with the sole aim of saving Trentham High. Individuals within it may express their political views but do not necessarily speak for STH."
Nicky Davis, Trentham
Nicky Davis, Trentham
It's a testing time for all concerned with the Trentham Action Group but there is one thing for certain these guys will NEVER give up. They have fought their fight hard and there is still a big desire to see it through. Nicky encapsulates the spirit within the Group and with strong leadership from Dan Jordan and Donna Dewar the council, mayor and Serco will know they are still in a battle.
Well done Nicky you are our first winner keep up the posting on the Sentinel and of course here on pitsnpots!
davis Trentham,
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Longton High Leaders Hit Back!
There has been quite a debate raging on the Sentinel website. It as emerged out of a letter to the newspaper by BNP activist T Cope from Tunstall. It has attracted a lot of responses from a number of posters. One of the posters is Councilor Joy Garner who is also the Leader of the Labour Group on the Council. Obviously Joy is entitled to her say and i fully endorse all local politicians using the Sentinel and pitsnpots to get their views over to us the electorate. We here on this blog have contacted all councilors and urged them to read and contribute to this blog as we believe it will promote good debate. Joy has opposed the BNP and has refuted their claims that there was trouble at the anti-BNP rally held at Central Forest Park last Saturday. In a speech to their followers local BNP leader Alby Walker had claimed that the UAF had "kicked of against the police".
pitsnpots were at neither so we can't comment on whether there was trouble or not. We have several issues with the local Labour party as we believe it is wrong that their councilors have been effectively gagged from speaking out against the Elected Mayor even though privately a number of their councilors have told us that they are not in support of the Mayor.
In a post on the T Cope letter I left a post asking Joy Garner to come out and state her intentions for the future as i had been told by a source that it was possible that she would seek the Labour nomination for the post of Elected Mayor should the city decide it wants to keep this system or, she would be the Labour leader if the city prefers that system. I got this response:
Mr Walley.I think you should take some English Comprehension lessons from the excellent teachers at Longton.The way you missundstood me, that there is no gag - merely common sense, and to keep to the issues. And apologise profusely to the Head of Longton High, because - and I quote you - "and yes, in 2001 particularly they did stir up some tensions with a few ill thought out and factually incorrect leaflets at Longton HS. Fact is we have a BNP Councillor now as Governor" (info - M.Coleman, chair of Education scrutiny com).A few leaflets - the police were there daily. They caused riots amongst the children, some carried knives for 'protection'. And its that, not the schools teaching, that is now bringing forward its closure. The head and teachers have always had my support, They hit lows and picked themselves up. With only around 40 pupils a year now applying to attend - it can not be viable. You are the Vice Chair of Governors there. You should know better than this.
Joy Garner, Tunstall
commented on 24-Sep-2008 09:57
Joy Garner, Tunstall
commented on 24-Sep-2008 09:57
This post prompted this response:
Joy i post as i speak, not how i would write a letter. For the record look at your own spelling and comprehension ie understood and starting a sentence or paragraph with "and". Now a few facts, a) i am the chair of governors at Longton HS.b)BNP leaflets came after a pupil from a neighbouring school came onto the school grounds an assaulted a yr11 Asian boy with a baseball bat. c) students did not carry knives at all, you really should not believe everything you read in the media! d) not a single Labour councilor put him/her self up for the LHS governing body so i assume that your party and you as leader have no issue with the fact that the school is represented by M Coleman (BNP). e) i have always thought that there is a high standard of teaching at the school, never said anything different. f) the reason there is only 40 applying to the school is down to the disastrous plans for the school put forward by the LA over the last five years. You can have my phone number and we can discuss anything else you may wish to raise. With respect i still would like an answer to the questions i asked about your intentions for the future.
Tony, Meir Hay
Tony, Meir Hay
The SLT at Longton High were told of Councilor Garners comment and yesterday they posted this response:
Councillor Garner
I am responding to your comments on this website in support of the school, its staff & present & former students.You need to get your facts straight before you print false details, you should not believe everything you read in the Sentinel! Fact in 2001 (September 12) following an incident caused by a student from a neighbouring school coming on the premises to cause trouble, intruders not connected with the school did attempt to cause trouble during the lunchtime.The school acted promptly to ensure the safety of the students by bringing them all into the building and calling the police to remove the intruders. A very small number of students were either given fixed term or permanent exclusions for trying to "jump on the band wagon".There were NO riots, NO knives were found - the police can confirm this & in fact the school was complimented for its handling of the incidents by an HMI team.Yes, it was a serious incident in terms of the potential but it was dealt with. Yes, the police did come to school in the days following because we requested their presence in case intruders appeared again. They were very supportive and sensitive to the students.Therefore, I object to your comments re. riots, knives and the police visits. In the interests of my students I would always follow the line of asking for a police presence if I felt it protected our young people from outsiders. The school provides a very calm working environment as experienced by your fellow councillors who have visited us.Yes, the school isn't viable in the long term but it isn't only 40 wanting to join us - and how much do you think the decline in numbers is the responsibility of a council who has been telling our parents that the school is going to shut for some time now.In fact, we have just met with a representative group of parents who do not want their children to be educated anywhere but Longton and not by any staff but Longton's.If we have always had your support why do you print emotive, inaccurate details about us. It is very upsetting to staff and pupils and totally unfair.
Longton High School & Arts College, Longton
commented on 26-Sep-2008 14:55
Whilst I really respect Councilor Garners stance on the BNP, to see these instantiated comments on Longton High is somewhat disappointing to say the least from someone as respected and who as given an enormous amount of her time to the city. I urge Councilor Garner to contact the school and speak to the Head to resolve this issue. We here at pitsnpots would also ask Joy to post on this blog her thoughts and comments on the BNP, the gagging order, her intentions for the future and to share with us her vision for the city. There is no ulterior motive in this request, merely a desire to hear a Labour voice in a city and climate where only the BNP seem to want to be heard.
For those of you who want to read the whole thing you can find it by clicking here:
Longton High,
T Cope
Friday, 26 September 2008
Show 'Em The Red Card
We here at pitsnpots are no kill joys! But the parking on the A50 & the A500 on match days is beyond comprehension. Something has to be done because it's an accident waiting to happen. Do folk park in these places to avoid paying the £2 parking fee or is there simply nowhere to park. Public transport in this city is a joke, we all know that when you compare it with places like Sheffield and Manchester ect. These cities have a tram network which makes it really easy to get into the city and to the football stadiums. We here in the potteries are often the poor relation in terms of public facilities compared to equivalent cities up and down the country and our council needs to put in place a transport infrastructure that will suit the needs of the city and it's people! But in the meantime these inconsiderate drivers need to find a safe place to park. Another thing whilst i'm in the moaning chair is those people who stand on the embankment on the corner of the Brit and hope that most of the game is played in the area of the pitch that they can see! Stop it, it's just wrong! If I was one of these people who were caught on the SKY TV camera's i'd be bad bit embarrassed! On a serious note good luck to the mighty reds against the SECOND richest team in the premiership and of course good luck to the Vale in what are troubled times. See the story in today's Sentinel here:
Anti Social Behaviour - Again
Another example of Anti-Social Behavior is highlighted in todays "Sentinel" This particular story confirms to me that we have a City wide problem with this issue. Something needs doing now! If you haven't read the story click here: http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Police-throw-book-stone-yobs/article-355127-detail/article.html
We live in Meir Hay and until recently we had a Section 30 dispersal order after a number of trouble filled months. We had quite a lot of young people both lads and lasses that had attached themselves to gangs. These gangs fought with the gangs off neighboring estates. Several Friday nights there were times that I was driving somewhere on would observe full on fights between these gangs and they would be all over residents gardens running in all directions. Police presence was regular and to be honest we could not have asked for better policing. The PCSO's were particularly helpful at this time as the y were constantly on the beat and aware of any flash points. Old people were afraid to use the local convenience store as youths were gathering around these shops, insults and bad language were common place. The Section 30 lasted for about six months and allow the police to disperse groups of more than two under 18 youngsters, if they were seen more than twice in a day they were arrested and taken home. I know many gang members and other youths were given and made to sign "good behaviour contracts". Mostly these worked and were effective but I also know of kids who were given these and had done no more than "just be out". Some residents thought it was a sledge hammer to crack a nut! Rob Flello (MP for Stoke South) instigated many community meeting to tackle the issue of Anti-Social Behaviour and I attended all these and was really struck by how big a problem this was and what some people were going through. These meetings worked, with out a doubt and it got people together facing up to the issue and talking about it. This is something that needs to be done in Stoke North, So come on Joan Walley and the councilors involved get your fingers out and get cracking down on this now! It's been a quiet twelve months around us but recently i have noticed gangs of youths hanging around the shops again, I'll let you know what happens if anything. One thing that did come out of this was that there is absolutely nothing for the young people in our area to do and whilst this does not condone their actions, you feel that if they had some facilities they would not have to hang around the streets. Let's all keep our eye on the Sentinel to see if this is going to be a bigger problem over the winter.
We live in Meir Hay and until recently we had a Section 30 dispersal order after a number of trouble filled months. We had quite a lot of young people both lads and lasses that had attached themselves to gangs. These gangs fought with the gangs off neighboring estates. Several Friday nights there were times that I was driving somewhere on would observe full on fights between these gangs and they would be all over residents gardens running in all directions. Police presence was regular and to be honest we could not have asked for better policing. The PCSO's were particularly helpful at this time as the y were constantly on the beat and aware of any flash points. Old people were afraid to use the local convenience store as youths were gathering around these shops, insults and bad language were common place. The Section 30 lasted for about six months and allow the police to disperse groups of more than two under 18 youngsters, if they were seen more than twice in a day they were arrested and taken home. I know many gang members and other youths were given and made to sign "good behaviour contracts". Mostly these worked and were effective but I also know of kids who were given these and had done no more than "just be out". Some residents thought it was a sledge hammer to crack a nut! Rob Flello (MP for Stoke South) instigated many community meeting to tackle the issue of Anti-Social Behaviour and I attended all these and was really struck by how big a problem this was and what some people were going through. These meetings worked, with out a doubt and it got people together facing up to the issue and talking about it. This is something that needs to be done in Stoke North, So come on Joan Walley and the councilors involved get your fingers out and get cracking down on this now! It's been a quiet twelve months around us but recently i have noticed gangs of youths hanging around the shops again, I'll let you know what happens if anything. One thing that did come out of this was that there is absolutely nothing for the young people in our area to do and whilst this does not condone their actions, you feel that if they had some facilities they would not have to hang around the streets. Let's all keep our eye on the Sentinel to see if this is going to be a bigger problem over the winter.
Meir Hay,
Rob Flello
Scrap the Serco contract? Yes or No?
So, Cllrs Follows and Rigby are calling for the Serco contract to be scrapped, according to a report in today’s Sentinel. http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Calls-scrap-Serco-contract/article-355166-detail/article.html#StartComments
As someone who has been actively involved in the BSF programme from a school/community viewpoint, I am fully aware of how the BSF issues have impacted on the lives of the people in this city, not least the kids, and hardly a brick has been laid (with the exception of one school in the south of the city, of course).
I am firmly of the opinion that there are certainly questions to be asked about how the Serco contract is operating, how the people employed within it are performing, and whether the whole thing is right for Stoke on Trent.
However, given that this contract is a very costly one – worth several million pounds of city taxpayer’s money – is it really a good idea to scrap it part way through?
I understand how strongly Cllr Follows feels about this situation, given his involvement with the Trentham High Action Group, and, speaking as a parent of a child at Longton High School, we all have emotional involvement in what is a very stressful issue for us. Again, from a purely personal viewpoint as a parent, one of the highest items on my agenda in terms of what I want for my kids, is a sound education. That’s what gives them a great start in life, helps them to become well rounded, knowledgeable individuals, ready to take their place in society and in the world of work.
How then, will the scrapping of the Serco contract improve the education of the kids in this city? I am in no doubt that across the board, we must do better for our kids. Every headteacher and school governor I have spoken to feels the same. But what do we do about it?
What do you think? Should the Serco contract be scrapped, possibly wasting thousands of pounds of taxpayers money? Or is there a better way? How can we make Serco more accountable to us – the people of Stoke on Trent – in order to ensure they perform and meet the obligations of their contract? Over to you….
As someone who has been actively involved in the BSF programme from a school/community viewpoint, I am fully aware of how the BSF issues have impacted on the lives of the people in this city, not least the kids, and hardly a brick has been laid (with the exception of one school in the south of the city, of course).
I am firmly of the opinion that there are certainly questions to be asked about how the Serco contract is operating, how the people employed within it are performing, and whether the whole thing is right for Stoke on Trent.
However, given that this contract is a very costly one – worth several million pounds of city taxpayer’s money – is it really a good idea to scrap it part way through?
I understand how strongly Cllr Follows feels about this situation, given his involvement with the Trentham High Action Group, and, speaking as a parent of a child at Longton High School, we all have emotional involvement in what is a very stressful issue for us. Again, from a purely personal viewpoint as a parent, one of the highest items on my agenda in terms of what I want for my kids, is a sound education. That’s what gives them a great start in life, helps them to become well rounded, knowledgeable individuals, ready to take their place in society and in the world of work.
How then, will the scrapping of the Serco contract improve the education of the kids in this city? I am in no doubt that across the board, we must do better for our kids. Every headteacher and school governor I have spoken to feels the same. But what do we do about it?
What do you think? Should the Serco contract be scrapped, possibly wasting thousands of pounds of taxpayers money? Or is there a better way? How can we make Serco more accountable to us – the people of Stoke on Trent – in order to ensure they perform and meet the obligations of their contract? Over to you….
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Well Vinnie wants a new contract, but I'm not convinced he has
earned one. True enough he scored a belter of a goal against
Reading but, every other time I've seen him he hasn't done much.
Stoke have made a great start to their first Premiership campaign
and i think with a display like that at Anfield old Arsen and Sir Alex
will be worried that they aren't going to break the Potters down as easy as they thought they might! Some of the pundits are now accepting that there is more to Stoke's game than Rory Delap's 40metre throw ins. A good showing against Chelsea and Stoke would have weathered a potentially difficult period when the other promoted sides would have expect them to take no points from these games. The Baggies try to knock the ball about but i don't think they've got anywhere near enough to cause a problem to most teams in the Premiership. Hull to me have had a shed load of luck and they have'nt played ant of the top teams yet, let's be honest here for a second, was there a better time to play Newcastle?
I can remember interviewing Tony Pulis when he was manger of Gillingham and i was struck by his honest appraisal of the game, he is a true football man and he deserves his experience of the big time and i hope it works out for the man! My dear wife, two kids and the outlaws are all mad season ticket holders who love the club with a passion and they have stuck by the club through thick and thin. So for them and all the others like them, i hope it's a season long party! Don't bet against them staying up but the likes of Vinnie have to move on and a few more class signings need to come in in January, if the Potters are above the relegation zone this will be a lot easier!
earned one. True enough he scored a belter of a goal against
Reading but, every other time I've seen him he hasn't done much.
Stoke have made a great start to their first Premiership campaign
and i think with a display like that at Anfield old Arsen and Sir Alex
will be worried that they aren't going to break the Potters down as easy as they thought they might! Some of the pundits are now accepting that there is more to Stoke's game than Rory Delap's 40metre throw ins. A good showing against Chelsea and Stoke would have weathered a potentially difficult period when the other promoted sides would have expect them to take no points from these games. The Baggies try to knock the ball about but i don't think they've got anywhere near enough to cause a problem to most teams in the Premiership. Hull to me have had a shed load of luck and they have'nt played ant of the top teams yet, let's be honest here for a second, was there a better time to play Newcastle?
I can remember interviewing Tony Pulis when he was manger of Gillingham and i was struck by his honest appraisal of the game, he is a true football man and he deserves his experience of the big time and i hope it works out for the man! My dear wife, two kids and the outlaws are all mad season ticket holders who love the club with a passion and they have stuck by the club through thick and thin. So for them and all the others like them, i hope it's a season long party! Don't bet against them staying up but the likes of Vinnie have to move on and a few more class signings need to come in in January, if the Potters are above the relegation zone this will be a lot easier!
Stoke City
Sam's Back
Sam's back! Just to prove that you can't keep a good man down! Verity is there too and it will all kick off on November 5th with a real bang! The man has had his problems, we all know that it has been a struggle and a fight but the 'owd Potteries favourite will do he best slot 10am - 2pm. Focal Radio could not have come a better time. Signal are just going through the motions these days playing the same tunes time after time and BBC Radio Stoke are using the exact same format as they were over twenty years ago! Focal will be 30% speech based and they have got some great presenters, Remember the smooth tones of Glyn Johnson? Gly'ns better half Katie , also a unaccomplished presenter will be on air too! The music will be out there to rival Signal2 and Radio2 so people of all ages and tastes will be catered for. There is going to be a great Sports output so look out for that and if i can talk them into it i may well dust off the old mic and headset and have a go myself having spent a long time involved in various stations.I also had a few years of doing football commentaries for TV/Video. There isn't a great deal of competition out there really when you think about it so it's one more choice for the people of Stoke on Trent which can't be a bad thing can it? I have been listening to Smooth Radio myself because the music really fits with me and i know that Focal will have a similar music policy. Read more on Sam at the Sentinel http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Shift-station-s-Focal-point/article-352166-detail/article.html
Radio Stoke,
Sam Plank,
Signal Radio,
Smooth Radio,
Should They Stay or Should They Go?
This is one that will cause a great deal of keen debate for sure!Fred Nukagem and Sandra Yonga Mbell have three e young kids, he came to this country on a student visa and she is here illegally. I'm really torn in two about this because if they are deported and they are killed doesn't that leave us with blood on our hands? On the other hand i have been saying on the Sentinel website that i think the BNP have got more successful because the mainstream parties are not tough enough on immigration. What do the BNP supporters want to happen here.... i think i can guess! A few months ago there was a case of a gay Iranian man who was fighting deportation because when he left Iran his lover was executed for being gay. Where do we draw the line? I do think that there has to be clear legislation on immigration and have always believed that this has to come from either Labour, Conservatives or LibDems, but i get the impression that they are worried of losing the non white vote. Read the full story at the Sentinel just click this link: http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/DEPORT-LL-KILLED/article-352438-detail/article.html
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Women Fighting for Herceptin
It was the Sentinel "Our Heroes" Awards last night at the Moat House Hotel at Festival Park. A couple of years ago i was fortunate enough to be a part of a group that won the community group award. I always felt that when you looked at some of the people there they were a damn site more deserving of an award than we were. The Women Fighting for Herceptin group are a true inspiration to us all! As if it wasn't bad enough that they were struck with the most awful disease, they had to fight tooth and nail to get a drug that was very effective against this terrible condition. But fight they did and they won! They are now among the most respected group in our city and deserve the "Editors Special Award" and how! So hat's off to Dot, Lynne ad the gang and i hope that you enjoyed the evening and managed to drink a few glasses of bubbly. Our city is proud of you! You can read the story on The Sentinel website, just follow this link:
Up The Vale
Just what the hell is going on at the Vale? Lee Sinnot sacked just a few games into the season. It seems that he had not got the full support of ALL of the board. My sources tell me that a few of the directors wanted Dean Glover from the start and now it would seem like they will get their wish. But how will this will go down withe the fans?, surely they must feel that the club is not moving on. It seems that the club can not see past the team that won the Autoglass trophy in the mid 90's. Martin Foyle was a great striker and yet did not make the best manager and many fans felt the club held on for too long before sacking him. Deano and Goober were there under the Tin Man and yet it seems they will get their chance to manage the side. But is this the same old, same old? We are told that Deano will be "Director of Football and Porter will be Head Coach, just ask Newcastle United if this system works! Maybe it's time to look past the glory days, a new broom and all that. Ian Holloway is out of work, would'nt he be a great coup for the club and give it that much needed lift? If I was picking a player from the past to be manager it would be Aspo without a doubt! Well Valies over to you what do you think?.......
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Has Brown Done Enough?
Gordon Brown has gone through the mill over the last few months! Today he gave his most important speech to conference. Was it enough? Did he "float your boat"? Sarah his good lady wife was there to lend her love and support and what did our Gordon do after his speech? He shook her bloody hand! As you do... husband to wife. Things must be great in their home! Picture the scene Gord & Sarah in bed sipping a mug of Horlicks (made with water 'cos the price of milks gone through the roof!) "Night Duck " says he "Night T'owd Tup" says she and then he leans over and....... shakes her hand, turns over removes his smile and puts it in a glass on the bedside table and snores gently! Sorry if that's given you an image you are keen to forget! Seriously he has tried to give us a bit of hope but has he left you feeling a little more secure? He single out the BNP for a bit of stick and then turned his wrath onto Diddy Dave Cameron! "I'm all for apprenticeships but now is not the time for a novice!" says Gord. Just how long have you been living at Number 10 Gordon
David Cameron,
Gordon Brown,
Party Conference
Hi All,
Well i have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century! I would never have thought a few years ago that i would be hosting my very own blog!
Q What are we about?
A We are about giving the great people of Stoke on Trent a Voice!
Q Why?
A 'Cos i reckon that we are all of the opinion that we the ordinary people are not listened to and our opinions count for bugger all!
Q Who can post?
A Anyone! All welcome here. White, Black, British, Asian, European, Labour, Tory, Liberal, BNP, Independant, Gay or Straight Stoke City, Port Vale, Crewe Alex!
Q What will we talk about?
A The issues that face this great city of ours and it's people.
Q Can i ay what i want?
A Yes! but let's try to show some respect to each other, we may disagree but let's not resort to insulting each other. No post will be removed unless they are way over the top. We want to say what needs saying! Comment on here with freedom.... this is not the "sentinel"
Q What happens now?
A Well me "Tony" will upload a blog everyday, maybe more discussing the issues making the news that effect us here in Stoke and then it's over to you!.....
Well i have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century! I would never have thought a few years ago that i would be hosting my very own blog!
Q What are we about?
A We are about giving the great people of Stoke on Trent a Voice!
Q Why?
A 'Cos i reckon that we are all of the opinion that we the ordinary people are not listened to and our opinions count for bugger all!
Q Who can post?
A Anyone! All welcome here. White, Black, British, Asian, European, Labour, Tory, Liberal, BNP, Independant, Gay or Straight Stoke City, Port Vale, Crewe Alex!
Q What will we talk about?
A The issues that face this great city of ours and it's people.
Q Can i ay what i want?
A Yes! but let's try to show some respect to each other, we may disagree but let's not resort to insulting each other. No post will be removed unless they are way over the top. We want to say what needs saying! Comment on here with freedom.... this is not the "sentinel"
Q What happens now?
A Well me "Tony" will upload a blog everyday, maybe more discussing the issues making the news that effect us here in Stoke and then it's over to you!.....
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